Furbellow & Co at Whitby Museum

Exploring one of our favourite hidden gems in Whitby

Posted in Products, Whitby

Whitby Museum is a victorian treasure trove of historic artefacts that weave a tale of years gone by. It is easy to lose a rainy afternoon exploring the maze of wooden cabinets. You can discover something new on each visit as you wander past intricate maritime models and nostalgic relics.

Home to a some real narwhal tusks, a severed hand of glory and a Tempest Prognositcator, we knew this attic-like collection would make the prefect backdrop for photographing our range of Marc Darcy suits.

Read on for look at some of our favourite pictures from the shoot and a look at some of our favourite Whitby Museum artefacts.

Hand of Glory – The mummified severed human hand in Whitby Museum was discovered in the early twentieth century hidden on the wall of a thatched cottage in Castleton by a stonemason and local historian, Joseph Ford. It was given to Whitby Museum in 1935 and is the only alleged Hand known to survive. Source: https://whitbymuseum.org.uk/whats-here/collections/special-collections/hand-of-glory/
Our favourite exhibit: Clarence the crocodile is over 100 years old and has the role of welcoming guests to the museum. He wears a wonderful striped shirt and ‘Dracula’ style cape.
Mark in the Bromley blazer and waistcoat by Marc Darcy.
The tempest prognosticator, or ‘leech barometer’, is a 19th-century invention by George Merryweather. Twelve leeches are kept in small bottles inside the device; when they become agitated by an approaching storm they attempt to climb out of the bottles and trigger a small hammer which strikes a bell. The likelihood of a storm is indicated by the number of times the bell is struck. De Merryweather worked as a family doctor in whitby and was honourary curator of the museum. Merryweather spent all of 1850 testing the device, the results of 28 of these predictions are kept in the library of the museum.
The museum has side rooms filled with nautical artefacts including a collection of ships in bottles, model ships and paintings. Learn about Whitby’s past whaling fleet and the voyages of Captain James Cook.

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About Furbellow & Co

Furbellow & Co is a Gentlemen’s store with a twist, nestled on Sandgate in the old part of the historic town of Whitby.

Inside you will discover a warm and friendly atmosphere, with an emphasis on good old fashioned customer service. You can while away the time exploring our eclectic range of products in nostalgic surroundings.

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